Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Off the wagon!

I suuuuuuuck!  The past five days or so I've done progressively worse and worse. Today I ate like crap, although I did make a healthy dinner. Exercise has been non-existent. What is wrong with me? !  I always do this! I will do so well, and then I'll start slipping and no matter how hard I try I can't get back on track! Ugh! I'm sick of this vicious cycle!

Tomorrow is a new day.  I'll wake up and do aerobics while the kids are still sleeping. I'll eat a healthy breakfast and drink lots of water.

I just can't give up. My first month of the nine is almost up.. five more days. I was only a pound away from meeting my goal of 16 lbs a month last weigh in. I can still do it! I just need to tell my cravings to fuck off and get my lazy fat ass in gear!